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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Learn To Drive A Car In The UK

By Just Driving

Learning to drive is one of that most children look forward to when they grow up. But the whole process of gaining your license can be daunting. You become in charge of thousands of pounds worth of equipment. But you do become the most independent you have ever been in your life. The most important part of driving is learning how to drive. So when you are doing this, make sure you actually learn the rules of the road.

Here is the step by step process of learning to drive:

1.Get your provisional license

Before you can get in a car learn you must have a provisional license. This is obtained by completing a D1 form from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. This can be obtained from post offices. You are also able to book your theory test when in possession of a provisional license.

2.Taking your theory test

This is a mandatory test that is needed before you can take your final practical test. A lot of people do this test before even start learning to drive. They take place at official testing centres. There is a range of over 800 questions that could occur on the test, but only 35 actually appear. You have 40 minutes to take the test and have 30 minutes to take it.

3.Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you have your provisional and you have passed your theory test try driving with a fully licensed driver at any chance you can get. You could ask a friend or parent to help you, but investing in professional driving lessons with a driving instructor will help you even more.

4.Take the Practical Test

This test is the final ‘piece of the puzzle’. It is to satisfy the examiner that you are capable of driving safely. During this 40 minute test you will be examined on your general driving, as well as two reversing exercises and possibly an emergency stop.
When you are ready for this final step, book your practical test online, by phone or by post and indicate your preferred test date.

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