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Monday, December 7, 2009

Defensive Driving Techniques Are Beneficial

By shinyumi

Defensive driving courses are a great way to get a deduction on your insurance premiums, to get points taken off your driving record, or to improve your driving skills. Statistics have shown that taking a course in defensive driving can make a major difference in whether drivers are involved in accidents. Defensive Driving Techniques have been used for years to prevent accidents from occurring and they have been shown to work for drivers trained to use them.

Some Important Defensive Driving Techniques

Defensive driving courses usually start in the classroom where you will receive lectures on the techniques used before you ever go on the highway. This will provide you with a general understanding of how and why the techniques work. One of the first defensive driving techniques you learn may surprise you. The maintenance that is regularly performed on your vehicle is an important defensive driving technique. Keeping your car in good working order means that you are more likely going to be able to depend on it when you need it. If your car decides to call it quits in the middle of the highway in traffic flow that is anything but safe. Regular maintenance of a vehicle that is in good working order is an important defensive driving technique for every driver.

Another defensive driving technique that you will be taught is to always keep your eyes on the road ahead. Don’t be trying to find something you lost under the seat or washing the baby’s face in the back seat while you’re driving down the road. If something can’t wait for your attention, then find a safe place, signal ahead, and then pull over. While you are driving, you need to watch the traffic ahead of you to see if there are any signs of trouble developing. A lot of break lights on a highway probably means something has happened to slow down the progress of traffic. Take this into consideration and slow down before you get to the congested area. Avoid packs of cars and notice if there are vehicles in lanes beside you. Watch what the other driver is doing that could interfere with your driving.

Keeping all your lights in order and using them as needed is another defensive driving technique. Don’t skip signaling when there isn’t much traffic or you are on a small road. Be in the habit of always using your signal lights. Traffic behind you needs to have plenty of warning before you turn or switch lanes. If you hit the signal as you are making the turn, it isn’t going to serve any purpose. Remember, a signal light is a way of communicating with other drivers so that an accident can be avoided.

Even following basic safety laws are important defensive driving techniques. You should buckle up your seat belt no matter if you only drive around the block. Accidents occur frequently within one mile of the home of the driver. You should also make sure not to speed so that you retain control of your vehicle and don’t pose a threat to others.

Defensive driving techniques can be used by any driver to increase their safety and reduce the number of fatalities and injuries caused by drivers, including themselves.

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John Rob said...

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